Special Needs Parenting

Insights into Special Needs Parenting: The Most Dreaded Appointment

Teddy sees a lot, I mean A LOT of people in the medical/therapy field. He has seen specialists in Louisville, Boston, Cincinnati, and we even flew to Arizona for one. He sees a cardiologist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, otorhinolaryngologist (ENT), nephrologist, urologist (2 different kinds actually), orthopedist, endocrinologist, neurologist, neurosurgeon, ophthalmologist, developmental pediatrician, regular pediatrician, dentist, regular …

Special Needs Parenting

Insights into Special Needs Parenting: Okay, okay, you’re right. It is hard.

After writing this post, I was having second thoughts about posting because I didn’t want it to be taken the wrong way. I realized though that if I was going to write a blog about Teddy’s life, I needed to be honest and open about all aspects. So let’s get real… When someone first finds …

Teddy's Story

Chapter 7: Who Needs Oxygen? Not me!

Because Teddy had so many things going on, the Caudal Regression Syndrome diagnosis got pushed to the back burner after being told. There was nothing we could do about it surgically to repair CRS, so any interventions he would eventually need to increase his quality of life would come as he got older, and we …

Teddy's Story

Chapter 6: Being Told He May Never Walk

Of Teddy’s plethora of diagnoses, there are two that caused the most fear and uncertainty for me at the time they were given: Caudal Regression Syndrome and Hydrocephalus. Shortly after Teddy turned a month old, he was wheeled out of his room for his first official MRI. It was clear just by looking at him …

Diagnoses Explained

Diagnoses Explained Series: VACTERL Association

In this post series, I will explain each of Teddy’s diagnoses in detail, with more medical terms and imaging if I am able to find them. These will be more technical posts, but for those interested, we hope it will educate more people on these rare conditions, so as the rate increases each year, there …