The Epigraph- Writing His Own Story

To narrate: to tell (a story) in detail. I still remember the moment so vividly. The firehose of medical terms and odds and unknowns had been going full blast and we could barely catch our breath. The doctor had just given us another round of information that we could barely comprehend about Teddy’s potential future. …

Chapter 4: The Most Beautiful Feeling in the World

I remember after finding out we were pregnant sitting in the doctor’s office and the doctor giving us his due date. I immediately started laughing, because the date she gave was October 3rd and I thought to myself that hopefully our gummy bear would be a day late! In my family, October 4th is a …

Chapter 5: A Different Kind of Newborn Routine

Teddy was stable and it was amazing. The next few weeks were focused on keeping him stable and continuing to find all the underlying medical anomalies and confirm diagnoses. What this meant for us was that just like every new parent with a newborn, we were able to start developing a routine, just one that …

Chapter 6: Being Told He May Never Walk

Of Teddy’s plethora of diagnoses, there are two that caused the most fear and uncertainty for me at the time they were given: Caudal Regression Syndrome and Hydrocephalus. Shortly after Teddy turned a month old, he was wheeled out of his room for his first official MRI. It was clear just by looking at him …

Chapter 7: Who Needs Oxygen? Not me!

Because Teddy had so many things going on, the Caudal Regression Syndrome diagnosis got pushed to the back burner after being told. There was nothing we could do about it surgically to repair CRS, so any interventions he would eventually need to increase his quality of life would come as he got older, and we …