This is a story about our Teddy. A truly a bright light in this world. He was born a 2lb 14oz preemie that has endured multiple major surgeries, countless procedures, and years of therapy. Teddy spent his first 6 months fighting for his life and last 6 and a half years fighting to improve his quality of life. 

Due to several birth anomalies, autism, and developmental delays, we were told he may never walk, talk, eat, or be independent, But Teddy is a fighter and continues to prove everyone wrong. Even when things seem impossible, he shows us every day that patience, tenacity, and stubbornness can overcome any challenge. As proof, even though he is missing a portion of his lower spine, Teddy never gave up and began walking on his own. And while he is non-verbal, he is finding new ways communicate and is conuqering first grade. 

Teddy has shown us that being different with a kaleidoscope of colors makes the world a more beautiful place. He is smart, strong, hilarious, curious, sweet, stubborn, and has the absolute best smile and laugh you will ever hear. He has taught us to love bigger, celebrate the little things, and smile more. Teddy is writing his own story, and we are simply tasked to be his narrators as he makes the world an even brighter place.

We began this blog to share Teddy’s story, provide education on his rare diagnoses, and help raise money to give Teddy a chance at an even brighter future!

Teddy is ridiculously smart and amazing, but needs significant one-on-one support for almost all things.  When he puts his mind to something, he will truly blow you away with what he is able to accomplish, but the day-to-day skills he is not able to do yet without prompting and significant assistance. He is completely non-verbal, but is learning to communicate in different ways and we are working hard getting him to use a communication device. We know he will accomplish great things in his life, but he needs all the tools and support to ensure he has the opportunity to do those things.  

This leads me to our decision to start the GoFundMe. One of the tools we found to potentially help Teddy have a chance towards future independence is the NeuroCytonix program is a 28 day treatment protocol that has shown great success in regenerating neural pathways and have seen improvements in patients with a wide variety of neurodegenerative diseases. I recommend reading the GoFundMe tab in our menu and going to to learn more. Specifically for kiddos similar to Teddy they have seen better cognition (school), improvements in language, socialization, and fine motor skills. All of these areas are limiting factors to Teddy having future independence and providing him with the opportunity to regrow these neural pathways would be amazing. The treatment is $55,000, however, and there is a month of living expenses in Monterey, Mexico and being off work, so we decided to start a GoFundMe to help reach our goal of getting Teddy this treatment. Thank you so much for all your love and support and our GoFundMe can be found at: