Chapter 12: Please, I Beg of You, Just Stop the Beeping

Our NICU room had been so inviting and cozy. The walls were a warm color and there was artwork and furniture to make you feel comfortable. We had developed these wonderful relationships and they all let us do everything we felt comfortable doing, without hovering over us. While we never left him during the day, …

Chapter 13: An Immediate Sense of Relief

It was transfer day!  We were extremely nervous, but so excited to get to Boston and finally have a plan of action in place to get Teddy’s EA repaired. Teddy was still requiring oxygen, but overall was doing great. He was still growing slowly, and his little personality was blossoming every day. While we were …

Chapter 15: The Longest 16 Hours of Our Lives

We woke up on the day of surgery with excitement and fear.  We were so excited to finally be at Teddy’s repair surgery but were also worried about how Teddy would handle the massive surgery and also about what the following weeks would bring.  Teddy also seemed to be excited about the future.  He was …

Chapter 18: Seeing those Beautiful Blue Gray Eyes Again

The week following Teddy’s surgery was pretty straight forward. We settled back into a routine and started decorating Teddy’s bed area for his first Christmas! It was going to be his first Christmas and while we hoped we would be back on the main floor in a room before Christmas day, we wanted to make …